Home of the Mighty Docs
If you ever need to be hospitalized, our Transitional Care Team will keep you on the road to recovery. For patients with serious or complicated conditions, we'll have our LVN visit you in the hospital. We'll also meet with your family, and help coordinate all of your post discharge needs, from understanding your medications to getting you a follow up appointment as soon as the next day. Our Internal Medicine specialist, Dr. Bovetas, will work with your primary doctor to help ensure a smooth transition from inpatient to outpatient care. You’ll also have a direct phone number to contact us 24/7. When you go home from the hospital, you won't be alone.
Our program service includes the following benefits:
- Access to a health care provider 24/7 at no cost to you.
- Our main goal is to keep you healthy (possibly preventing a hospital stay).
- We'll help you identify available community services.
- We'll help you with the transition from inpatient to an outpatient setting.
- We'll develop a plan of care to meet your needs.
- In-Home Nurse Visits.
Special Health Education Groups and Classes
- Diabetes Management and Support Group
- High Risk COPD Clinic
- On-Site Yoga Classes

Chris Bovetas, M.D.
Treating Physician
Internal Medicine

Kimberly Minesinger, D.O.
Medical Director
Family Practice